Coaching for Struggling Middle Managers

When to use this service?

This service is designed for Middle Managers that have difficulties at work either with their bosses, their colleagues, or their requirements.

If you have answered yes to any of the following questions, you might find useful one or two of these sessions:

  • You feel your boss doesn’t understand you.
  • You feel your colleagues are gossiping, backstabbing, don’t understand your work, or they are treating you very badly.
  • You feel overwhelmed and confused by all of the requirements.
  • You feel things are not fair, and some people get preferential treatment.
  • There is too much bureaucracy, or no transparency.
  • You feel drained, de-energized, unmotivated, and have started to search for a new job (which is not wrong).
  • There is too much office politics.

How does it work?

You send a brief email describing your situation and we schedule the first session.

Pricing, Time, and Effort:

The price is € 30 per one-hour session. (if paid via Paypal it is +9%)

Would you like to order it?

By pressing the “Fast Order it” button a personalized email regarding this service will be composed, and you just have to click Send, so that we contact you.

Fast Order it

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