
Hear From Our Happy Clients

We are content to have been able to be there for our partners, when they needed to find out fast the reason for a higher than usual attrition, for being overwhelmed after a successful expansion, for a tougher atmosphere in the organization and other such challenges. They have rewarded us with their kind feedback.

with his appreciative, respectful, compassionate way i was able to broaden my perspective in all dimensions. at the lowest point in my life he helped me to stand up again. he was never judgmental always supportive. i will be forever grateful to George !

Good evening George!

As we reach the end of this year, a few people came to my mind and you being one of them, I just wanted to drop a few lines to say thank you, that I appreciate what you do, your time and the sessions we had via zoom… only now I learnt how profoundly healing it has been for me and I am very grateful God has given me the opportunity (the blessing!) to have had those sessions.

I did not know how much a heavyweight I was carrying regarding my work experiences and how it affected other areas of my personal life.

I am most profoundly and wholeheartedly grateful for this year, it has been an incredible journey of growth and I thank you for the impact you have had on it!


(the original is in Romanian below the line)

Life is an ongoing experience, full of opportunities or barriers.

If in our first meetings, we were nervous about the project, about the people, about the new, but with our wish to learn and develop a business to support the social activity, during our journey together, we found an open man, warm, pleasant, which wholeheartedly shared from the expertise and the experience of his own business, in order to encourage us and with the purpose of finding solutions for us to develop the business we’ve started.

George offered us pleasant learning moments, with new ideas, with solutions which we didn’t take into consideration, with critical thinking, both short and long term, with clear objectives and a well-defined action plan.

I remembered that our mind limits us, and for this we have solutions.

Thank you, George, for the information, support, and for the hours you’ve given us! For all of these, we thank you, with gratitude!


Viata este o continua experienta, plina de oportunitati sau piedici.

Daca la inceputul intalnirilor am avut emotii legate de proeict, de oameni, de nou, dar cu dorinta de a invata si dezvolta o afacere care sa sustina activitatea sociala, pe parcurs, am intalnit un om deschis, cald, placut, care cu drag a impartasit din tainele si experientele afacerii sale, pentru a ne incuraja si a gasi solutii pentru dezvoltarea afacerii incepute.

George ne-a oferit  momente de invatare placute, cu idei noi, cu solutii pe care noi nu le-am gandit, cu gandire critica, pe termne scurt si lung, cu obiective bine conturate si un plan de actiune corespunzator.

Mi-ai amintit  ca mintea noastra ne pune limite, si pentru asta avem solutii.

Multumim George pentru informatii, sustinere si orele daruite! Pentru toate acestea multumim, cu recunostinta!

George is an excellent communicator and a methodical therapist. His time management skills and quick explanation of key issues are noteworthy. It was a pleasure working with him to improve my cultural awareness. I wish him and Reliable Culture a grand success.

Sid Business intelligence, IT consultant

I have appreciated a lot the sessions with George, as we’ve managed to reconcile some of the events from my past and release their limiting effects on my daily actions and thoughts. Overall, my level of Anxiety has decreased considerably, and I could also understand why some things happening in my daily life would affect me more than others, sometimes keeping me in a low energy state, and blocking me from progressing towards my goals and desires. The advice on the local culture in which I was operating was also useful, so overall I recommend George’s programs to whoever needs to bring their Anxiety under control, especially if they work in a foreign environment.

M. International French Teacher

We have invited George to do an Organizational Culture Diagnosis on our extended management team, in order to find ways to improve our overall efficiency and put light on the things that weren’t going as expected in the team at that time. It was very good to receive objective confirmatory feedback on the many things we were doing intuitively correct and which had a positive impact on the way our people worked, and at the same time, it was helpful to put light on the things that weren’t happening yet, although we thought the actions we’ve taken addressed them by that time. All the information we received with the help of George determined us to try different approaches and to see new perspectives. We are very satisfied with George’s expertise and his tools, and we recommend his services to any organization that needs to drive its development in a sustainable and precise manner.

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