Testimonial by Iryna G.

[This agro company] is a modern agricultural company, and our agronomists’ department was chosen for a team scan about 2 years ago. Scanning was quick and convenient, all process took about 15 minutes for each person, and I personally must admit that all questions were made extremely simple to understand. There was no way to choose the wrong answer, and every question was set very wisely, seeming no terrifying, safe, and easy to answer. I can say, this scanning was user-friendly before it becomes popular. As the result, we have detected no serious problems (which is good) and some troubles in our agronomists’ attitude to our clients (which is not a problem as long as agronomists are not sellers/buyers/call center operators, etc) Scan results were estimated as highly confident, helpful and interesting by company management, therefore I could recommend to go through such a scan to every company.

Iryna G. Head of unit
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