Navigating the Business World through a UNIVERSE of information
When dealing with chronic issues, the solution is not in the trendy recommendation, but in a detail that was overlooked by the leadership.
A Cultural evaluation can be applied to any group of Humans that interact with each other and share, willingly or not, resources in the present or the common future.
When dealing with chronic issues, the solution is not in the trendy recommendation, but in a detail that was overlooked by the leadership.
By focusing on fewer things and ensuring that the Organization’s purpose is the most important, is the way to “fix” your Corporate Culture.
The right Values will allow the organization to Empower, Engage and Energize its humans across cultures, professions, and all the axes of diversity
Culture applies to any of the Axes of Diversity, and it is the most important in driving Inclusion across the existing and accepted Diversity.
If the National Culture is not considered and the Organizational Culture is not aligned, some leaders might shift the environment towards a toxic one.
Apply an instrument that measures the environment in a non-intrusive manner and find out that the environment is actually very functional!
It’s hard to understand how the people close to you truly function, but when you manage to do so, the entire interaction turns into bliss.
The similarity between Parenting and Working Across cultures comes from the similarly high level of frustration one experiences during the two types of interactions, only, I would say, the level is much higher when “negotiating” with your toddlers because you don’t have the option of dropping the deal.
For the past 4 years, I’ve been preparing one client of mine to operate in the local culture, and this proved to be more challenging than I’ve expected it to be.